The Dry Spell

Here I am in my kitchen, doing vocals on a new song called ‘Living in the Spotlight’. When you record vocals, you put your lyrics under the microscope and every syllable gets meticulously examined. Phrases that look good on the page don’t necessarily sound great. My focus, at the moment, is on simple lyrics and strong melodies. ‘Living in the Spotlight’ still needs more work, but it’s this intense editing process that I enjoy the most. 

Today I’m sharing a demo from 2007 called ‘The Dry Spell’. I performed this tune a couple of times with a ‘supergroup’ I formed in L.A. called AAnchors AAweigh. The song never made it past the demo stage and unfortunately the band never recorded an album. 

I love the poetic nature of this song and the roughness of the demo, which was an early foray into recording with GarageBand. Maybe I’ll record it properly one day, but in the meantime, it’s been fun to revisit the tune and remember those wild, restless days. Give it a listen and read the lyrics on my Soundcloud profile.


