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I am an independent songwriter, singer and online creator with three active bands, a record label and a music blog. They’re a lot of fun to work on, but they require time and energy to do right.
If you like my music, my writing, my performances or my sense of humor, please consider supporting me via Ko-fi. It’s an easy-to-use crowdfunding platform and I believe it’s great for artists.
Your donation will go towards things like musical equipment, recording gear, studio time, mixing, mastering, artwork, promotion, website costs- all the bits and bobs that fuel these creative endeavours. And, of course, coffee!
Become a monthly donator and gain access to exclusive content, directly from my brain to yours. There are three tiers available- Fan, Super Fan and Ultimate Fan. You’ll find all the details below. Needless to say, any amount is appreciated.
Many thanks for your generosity. I look forward to sharing my creativity with you on Ko-fi.
Yours faithfully,